Pecha Kucha this Friday

yowLAB spin-off group Impromptu Playground got a huge bump after our presentation at PechaKucha and connected with other creative people in the city. Looking forward to seeing who comes out this year.

Friday, September 20th
7 to 10pm

Featuring the people and projects that are moving forward Ottawa’s cultural transformation throughout this coming of age, Pecha Kucha Night Ottawa is one of fall’s must-attend events. For those interested in a behind the scenes glimpse into the minds working on Ottawa’s latest innovative efforts. Pecha Kucha is an event for creatives of all kinds to meet, show work and share ideas spontaneously and casually. The trademarked Pecha Kucha format is 20 images shown for 20 seconds each, giving each speaker 6 minutes and 40 seconds to showcase their creative projects and inspire the audience.

September 20 marks a special global event where over 100 Pecha Kuchas worldwide will be concurrently elaborating on the theme of “Hidden Heroes.”

Pecha Kucha Ottawa will be rising to the challenge by by featuring these enigmatic speakers:

Julian Armour | Artistic & Executive Director, Music and Beyond

Aaron Cayer | Owner, Antique Skate Shop

Andrew Conte | Documentary FIlm Maker, “The End of Your Tale”

Melody McKiver | Co-Founder, Niigaan: In Coversation

Liam Mooney & Taulant Selko | Creative Directors, Jackpine

Rahele Saneie | Artist

Amanda Shendruk | Infographics, Aesthetic Intelligence

Daniel Spence & Lisa Zimmerman | Co-Foundesr, Couch Assassin

Cherry Valance | Women in Geek Culture

Jeremy Waiser | Campaign Director, Avaaz

Hans Moor | Citizens for Safe Cycling

Hope to see you there for a night of discovering our Hidden Heroes.

This unmissable event is taking place at the minxy Mercury Lounge on September 20 from 7-10PM.

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